
We envision an improved quality of life for Barberton residents, now and forever.


The Foundation understands that meeting the charitable needs of our community, while maintaining the growth of our endowment, requires investing our assets in the most prudent manner possible. Our investment objective is to employ a total rate of return strategy which will preserve the real purchasing power of our assets.

The Foundation’s Finance Committee plays an active role in setting investment policies and works with our investment professionals to achieve this objective.

Spending Policy

The Foundation’s spending policy, or annual grants and expense budget, is four and a half percent (4.5%) of the 20-quarter average net asset market value for the calendar year. Together with our investment policy, this level of spending is set to ensure that the value of our endowed funds grows over time at a rate which exceeds the rate of inflation.

To satisfy our organizational mission, the Foundation has established both a total return investment strategy and a spending policy. A spending policy is essentially a grant making budget aimed at satisfying two goals – one, to ensure that the value of our endowed funds grows over time at a rate which exceeds the rate of inflation, and two, to maximize the grant dollars provided to meet our community needs. This, of course, applies to the largest of our endowed funds which was created through the sale of Barberton Citizen’s Hospital in 1996, and all endowed funds created by other donors since the Foundation’s inception.

For all endowed funds, the amount available for spending each year is limited to that year’s spending policy as approved by the Board of Directors and calculated at the beginning of each year on the market value of the Fund’s quarterly average total net assets. Donors who have established endowed funds with the Foundation are permitted and encouraged to authorize grants and scholarships made from their funds, utilizing the amount calculated as available for distribution each year.

The Foundation’s largest commitment, which must be satisfied through the annual spending policy as calculated on the Foundation’s principal fund assets, is the obligation to meet the debt service payments related to the Barberton High School construction grant. This must first be satisfied before other grants are approved.

Financial Information

The Foundation is happy to provide copies of complete audited financial statements and IRS Form 990 – please call Tiffany Peters, Interim Executive Director at 330-745-5995, or email gro.fcnotrebrab@sretept.

If you wish to provide your request in writing, our address is:

460 W. Paige Ave.
Barberton, OH 44203