What Does “Magic” Mean?

By Josh Gordon, Executive Director

When having lunch with another nonprofit leader in Summit County in December I was asked, somewhat sheepishly, “Why is Barberton’s mascot magic? What does that even mean?”

From an outsider’s perspective, I suppose it’s a fair question.

I’d love to report that I had a tidy, concise definition ready off the cuff. But, I didn’t.

I had to think for a minute.

I landed on “it means growth and grace.”

Here’s what I mean.


Historically, a report from the Akron Beacon Journal showed up in Barberton in May 1891 to cover a story – wealthy Akron businessman, O.C. Barber, purchased nine square miles of land just west of Akron. The reporter arrived in a huge open field of corn!

The same reporter returned four years later to discover a bustling combination of businesses and homes.

Industry was booming in Barberton in the mid-1890s, with Creedmore Cartridge Company, National Sewer Pipe, Barberton Whiteware, American Alumina, Stirling Boiler Company, Columbia Chemical, and more. All, by the way, O.C. Barber companies.

So, what did that reporter do? The story labeled O.C.’s town as “The Magic City” due to the early and rapid industrial development.

It stuck, too. As the need for workers grew, a Hungarian businessman named John Szeman placed an ad encouraging more Hungarians to “come to the Magic City!”

For more than 125 years “Magic City” has simply meant “growth.” As economies evolved and industries changed, we’ve seen some of that growth depart over the past 40 years.

But the growth in our Magic never left – 2025 is an exciting year for momentum (more on that later).


One thing that struck me when I arrived in Barberton is how kind people are. Sincerely kind. Though some keyboard warriors on social media sometimes try to prove my hypothesis wrong, I know nearly every person I’ve met – the vast, vast majority – are kind folks and they look out for each other.

My experience is that it’s easy to look out for each other when things are going well. But in Barberton, even when we make mistakes, we still help each other.

That is more than “kindness” – that is the definition of grace… helping others regardless of whether they “deserve” it. I’m so proud and thankful that our community has this trait.

My lunch companion seemed satisfied with my answer, which I appreciated.

But I didn’t stop thinking about it. Something was missing.


When I got a little wooden plaque in the holiday gift exchange here at the Foundation… I knew immediately what “magic” lacked as a definition… what it failed to capture: our grit.

The plaque defines grit as “Possessing indomitable spirit. Having drive for achievement regardless of upbringing or situation. Earning success in the trenches through hard work.”

That, friends, is the magic.

It’s why we’ve had Barberton natives win gold medals, serve four terms in Congress, serve in the Ohio Governor’s cabinet, invent notable things, and be ambassadors to countries in challenging situations.


For me, I’m content defining the “magic” in my city as “growth, grace, and grit.”

Because what “magic” means matters. It matters to how we carry ourselves, how we think about ourselves, and what we project to others beyond our borders.

It matters to us all, because it defines us all.

While I like the definition I’ve landed on, I’d love to hear yours!

I want to know what “magic” means to you! Please send me your ideas and thoughts: jgordon@barbertoncf.org.

In Community,
Josh Gordon,
Executive Director
Barberton Community Foundation


About Barberton Community Foundation

We, at Barberton Community Foundation, are a neighbor and partner. We are committed to improving the quality of life for Barberton residents, today and in the future. We are Barberton’s catalyst and tool for uniting gifts of time, talent and treasure to create transformational impact.


We envision an improved quality of life for Barberton residents, now and forever.

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