$300,000 in New Funding Available to Grow Restaurant, Retail Business in Downtown Barberton

$300,000 in New Funding Available to Grow Restaurant, Retail Business in Downtown Barberton

$300,000 in New Funding Available to Grow Restaurant, Retail Business in Downtown Barberton

Barberton, OH – January 16, 2025 – Barberton Community Foundation (BCF), in collaboration with the City of Barberton, Barberton Community Development Corporation, and Main Street Barberton, announces $300,000 in funding to support the revitalization of Barberton’s historic downtown.

Approved on Thursday, January 16 by BCF’s Board of Directors, the funding will be administered by Barberton Community Development Corporation (BCDC) and allocated to two key programs: the Downtown Building Rehabilitation Program (DBRP) and the newly launched Restaurant & Retail Challenge Grant.

This funding expands on the successful efforts of all four organizations.

Downtown Building Rehabilitation Program (DBRP)

Since its launch in 2022, DBRP funding has been supporting businesses assisting with facade and brick work, window replacements, HVAC updates, and more.

New in 2025 is a focus on two awards – up to $100k each in a grant matching formula – versus spreading out smaller awards, over more recipients.

“The DBRP program and our downtown building inventory received a thorough review in 2024 and we learned that we need to target bigger projects with more permanent building upgrades and improvements,” said Josh Gordon, Executive Director of Barberton Community Foundation.

“We want the Barberton community to have the most compelling programs in Northeast Ohio.”

Restaurant & Retail Challenge Grant Program

The Restaurant & Retail Challenge Grant, introduced for the first time in 2025, is designed to address downtown vacancies by supporting restaurant or retail businesses looking to open in Barberton.

The challenge grant program will award up to $20k in five separate awards to help absorb the expense of tenant improvements and configuring a space for a restaurant or retail business within Barberton’s downtown footprint.

“This new program directly responds to the challenges of downtown vacancies by creating opportunities for business owners and restauranters that are unique in Northeast Ohio,” said Josh Gordon. “This funding makes Barberton’s downtown more competitive and removes or reduces barriers for businesses, from start up to established.”

Barberton Mayor William B. Judge shared his excitement for the new programs, stating, “The City of Barberton is sending a clear message: we are open for business.”

“These new funding programs from Barberton Community Foundation build on the momentum started by the city with the various programs we’ve established as well as progress we’ve made with Main Street Barberton and represent a significant step forward for attracting new businesses to our community.”

The Downtown Building Rehabilitation Program and Restaurant & Retail Challenge Grant are part of a broader effort to enhance Barberton’s downtown, blending economic opportunity with the city’s historic charm. Together, these initiatives aim to attract new businesses, revitalize underutilized properties, and create opportunities for investment.

“We have a major employer across the street from our downtown, towpath access that brings thousands of visitors to Barberton each year, and Lake Anna remains a well-trafficked attraction,” added Josh Gordon. “These programs help businesses take advantage of access to a customer-base while making it affordable to upgrade in a business-friendly environment.”

Main Street Barberton’s Executive Director, Melanie Black Amato, emphasized the significance of the funding. “Meeting with business and property owners over the past year, it is clear this funding is both needed and timely.”

“We are proud to partner with the City of Barberton and Barberton Community Foundation on these transformative programs, which benefit established businesses and create opportunities for new ventures to thrive,” she added.

Program Summaries:

Downtown Building Rehabilitation Program 2.0

The Downtown Building Rehabilitation Program (DBRP) will focus on restoring historic properties within Barberton’s downtown. With $200,000 allocated for this program, two grants of up to $100,000 each will be awarded to property owners or tenants who match the funding dollar-for-dollar.

Key Details:

  • Purpose: Encourage investment in downtown properties with deferred maintenance.
  • Eligible Uses: Structural repairs, façade restoration, energy efficiency upgrades, safety enhancements, and more.
  • Application Opens: February 1, 2025.
  • Application Deadline: April 1, 2025.
  • Completion Deadline: December 31, 2025.

Priority Considerations: Projects that restore historically significant properties, align with Barberton’s Master Plan, and leverage additional funding sources, such as state or federal tax credits, will receive priority consideration.

Restaurant & Retail Challenge Grant

The Restaurant & Retail Challenge Grant will provide $100,000 to support five new or expanding restaurant and retail businesses with grants of up to $20,000 each. Grant recipients are required to match the funding dollar-for-dollar, creating a total potential investment of $200,000.

Key Details:

  • Purpose: Empower business owners to establish or expand restaurant or retail in Barberton’s historic downtown.
  • Eligible Uses: Tenant improvements, equipment purchases, accessibility upgrades, and marketing and branding.
  • Application Deadlines:
    • Short Application: April 1, 2025.
    • Business Plan Submission: April 8, 2025.
    • Pitch Interviews: Week of April 21, 2025.
  • Operational Deadline: Businesses must be open by December 1, 2025.


How to Apply

Interested applicants for either program must schedule a pre-application meeting with Main Street Barberton to discuss eligibility and project scope. For more details, contact Melanie Black Amato at 330-510-1335 or melanie@mainstreetbarberton.com.

Applications are available on Barberton Community Foundation’s website beginning February 1. Visit www.barbertoncf.org and click “Goapply.”

Foundation Awards $138k in Grants, Continues Support for Economic Development of Barberton

Foundation Awards $138k in Grants, Continues Support for Economic Development of Barberton

Foundation Awards $138k in Grants, Continues Support for Economic Development of Barberton

(March 21, 2024 Barberton, Ohio) – Barberton Community Foundation’s Board of Directors met at the Foundation’s office for a regular meeting on March 21, 2024 to approve $138,847.68 in grant funding to 13 nonprofit partners, affirmed a land swap deal to enhance the marketability of the Newell Street Industrial property, and provided second-year funding to the successful Main Street Barberton project.

“Between our various ongoing projects for economic development designed to improve our commercial building stock, and our continued grant investments in early childhood education resources and services, we are so excited to continue building momentum in the Barberton community,” said Josh Gordon, Executive Director of Barberton Community Foundation.

Guest Sheila McGhee, Director of Barberton Preschool, spoke at the beginning of the meeting as the “mission moment.” Barberton Preschool has grown significantly since its beginning in 2017 with 60 students. Today, 240 students attend Barberton Preschool, and these students test higher and are more prepared for kindergarten than their peers who do not attend Barberton Preschool.

Highlighted committee reports include the Foundation’s economic development. The Foundation is currently accepting applications for a Director of Economic Development, with an anticipated start date in May.

Updates for Newell Street Industrial Park

Work continues on the Newell Street Industrial Complex, also known as the old Rockwell site. The Board authorized Executive Director Josh Gordon to enter into an agreement with Barberton City Schools and the City of Barberton regarding a portion of land owned by the District on Norton Ave. The Foundation and the Schools agreed to a swap of the property, allowing for a road for industrial access off Norton, and keeping heavier traffic off Newell Street, where the Middle School utilizes their drop off and pick up locations.

Supporting Downtown Businesses through Main Street Barberton

The Board approved $50,000 in operating funding for Main Street Barberton. This funding is part of a three-year commitment and partnership with the City of Barberton to fund the startup of Main Street Barberton. The organization is working to revitalize downtown by promoting current businesses, hosting events to bring visitors to experience the Magic City, and serving as a key strategist for new development.

Continuing the Foundation’s partnership with Main Street Barberton, the organization will launch a new sign design program beginning April 1, 2024, and the application period closes May 15, 2024. Businesses’ signs that are out of compliance will now have an opportunity to update their signage through a 50% matching grant program in partnership with BCDC.

First Cycle Grants Awarded

The main business of the meeting was to approve requests from the first grant cycle of the year. The Foundation awarded $138,847.68 to 13 nonprofits focused on Education and Workforce & Economic Development programs.

Barberton City School District was awarded four different grants totaling $46,847.68. Those grants include:

  • $24,000 to Barberton Preschool’s Summer Learning Program, offering a 3-week learning experience in July to better prepare students for their kindergarten year. The program prioritizes Barberton resident children entering kindergarten in the fall. Through the Foundation’s support, this program is free to attend, and transportation will be provided. For more information, contact the Preschool.

  • $9,846.68 to support services provided to families in AMHA housing from Barberton City School District. For this program, the District will match funds from the Foundation to increase (from 2 days to 4 days per week) on-site after-school tutoring for resident students at AMHA homes, provide bimonthly parent meetings, transportation to open houses and conferences, as well as student transportation for Upward Bound programs. Special note: we recognize Phil Hodanbosi for writing this grant on behalf of the District.

  • $9,000 for Improving Attendance at Barberton Primary and Intermediate Schools. Funding for this program is used for parent education, postcards, and student incentives. Chronic absenteeism is a hidden problem in schools because students can miss days for many different reasons. In the 2022-2023 school year, 284 primary students missed 18 or more days and 230 intermediate students missed 18 or more days. When students miss school, they miss important foundational skills and lessons which can never be made up. The district is hoping to close the attendance gap.

  • $4,000 to Barberton Middle School for STEM Supplies. In 2023, the School District expanded its STEM offerings to all 6-8 grade students. The District purchased $120,000 of equipment in technology-based career areas so students can explore areas that fit their interests and skills. This funding provides support for the cost of consumables used throughout the year in these labs. Examples include wood, glue guns and glue, and small hand tools for the energy lab, suturing materials for the nursing lab, and electrical wiring materials for the home maintenance lab.

Limitless Ambition received $20,000 for their program Purposely Chosen Teen Programming in Barberton City Schools. Limitless Ambition works with young women to overcome boundaries to their success. This program will work with 50 girls ages 13-18 throughout the school year, highlighting social-emotional learning, demonstrating leadership, and providing strong role models to help these girls build confidence, dream big, and achieve their goals.

National Inventors Hall of Fame, Inc. received $15,000 for 2024 Camp Invention in Barberton. Camp Invention is a summer enrichment program for Barberton Primary and Intermediate students (grades K-6) with curricula focused on developing creativity, inventive thinking, and problem-solving skills through hands-on STEM content. Funding supports 185 Barberton students by underwriting costs for children to attend based on financial need.

Child Guidance & Family Solutions received $10,000 for their program Toddlers & Preschoolers Succeeding (TAPS) in Barberton. TAPS provides on-site training for preschool and childcare staff on how best to respond to challenging classroom behaviors and improve kindergarten readiness. The organization anticipates serving 262 preschoolers with this funding.

Girl Scouts of Northeast Ohio received $10,000 to support its Troops in Low-Income Communities program. This grant supports operating expenses, memberships, uniforms, and supplies for 20 girls in grades K-8 to engage in 20-week after-school STEM-based programming through the Girl Scouts.

Great Trail Council of Boy Scouts of America was awarded $10,000 to support The Exploring Program for middle and high school students. The Exploring Program is a workforce development program focusing on 12 career path exploration opportunities through a partnership with Barberton community partners (local businesses, organizations, and occupational professionals) during the school day.

United Way of Summit & Medina received $10,000 for support of their Financial Empowerment Center. The Center estimates serving 200 residents through free financial empowerment programming, including one-on-one financial coaching, tax preparation and banking assistance.

Junior Achievement of North Central Ohio received $7,000 for its program called Inspiring Barberton Students through JA Programming. Program funding directly supports financial literacy, entrepreneurship, and work readiness programming for K-12th grade students in Barberton. These programs are designed to teach students how to generate wealth and effectively manage it, how to create jobs that make their communities more robust, and how to apply entrepreneurial thinking to a workplace.

Service Corps of Retired Executives Association – SCORE Akron received $5,000 for community and workforce development programs. We know small businesses are essential to the economic health of our community, but finding support can be hard. Services through SCORE include mentoring and workshop programs for Barberton entrepreneurs interested in starting their own business or expanding their existing business.

Project Learn of Summit County was awarded $5,000 for providing GED classes at the Barberton Public Library and estimates they will support 25 Barberton residents studying for the GED exam. Project Learn provides literacy and lifelong learning services that help adults achieve their goals as family members, workers, community members and lifelong learners. Since 1981, it has provided free classes to more than 27,400 adults throughout Summit County.


About Barberton Community Foundation

Established in 1996, Barberton Community Foundation has awarded over 8,500 grants and scholarships totaling more than $109 million since its inception. The Foundation strives to improve, now and forever, the quality of life for Barberton residents by providing leadership on vital issues, fostering collaboration, and creating a legacy of giving to do good. The Foundation strengthens the community for current and future generations by proactively directing its grant dollars to the community’s greatest needs. To read more about Barberton Community Foundation visit www.barbertoncf.org or follow us on Facebook at facebook.com/barbertoncommunityfoundation.


Main Street Barberton Launches

Main Street Barberton Launches

New Barberton Nonprofit ‘Main Street Barberton’ Focused on Bringing More Activity and Prosperity to Downtown Barberton

Main Street Barberton Officially Launches After Nearly A Year of Research and Planning, Headed by Board Chairman Denny Liddle and Backed by the City of Barberton, Barberton Community Foundation, and More.

A new nonprofit organization, called Main Street Barberton,
has begun its official operations in the Magic City.
The goal of Main Street Barberton is to create new economic growth and development opportunities in the City of Barberton’s downtown district by rehabilitating and revitalizing the
downtown Barberton area.

While much progress has been made in downtown Barberton in recent years, a core group of citizens and financial backers came together to speed up progress while including more community members in the process.

“I have studied some of the great downtown areas in Ohio, like Wadsworth, Medina, Kent and Tiffin, and they all have one thing in common – they are part of the Main Street program offered
by Heritage Ohio,” said Main Street Barberton Board President Denny Liddle. “They have a well-proven approach to solving not a couple of issues that plague many downtowns, but an
approach that’s designed to address all of the interrelated issues that prevent a downtown from bringing shoppers, residents, businesses, and activity. I’m very excited for this organization to
get going!”

The Main Street project began as an idea at the Barberton Community Foundation, and then interest grew beyond the Foundation – financially backing the $5,000 initial investment in the project came from the Barberton Community Foundation, Arts Now, the City of Barberton, Downtown Barberton Merchant’s Association, Ignite Brewing Company, Neighborhood
Development Services, and Summit County Executive Ilene Shapiro.

“I have seen the great work that Heritage Ohio has done throughout the state, and the successful impact of their program in a variety of downtowns,” said Executive Director of the
Barberton Community Foundation Suzanne Allen. “I can’t wait to see this program take root in the Magic City!”

Creating Main Street Barberton
Heritage Ohio is the state of Ohio’s “official historic preservation and Main Street organization,” working to leverage historic buildings and architecture, neighborhoods, and commercial
districts through sustainable economic development programs.

Heritage Ohio’s flagship “Main Street” program begins with a visit from “D.A.R.T.,” its Downtown Assessment Resource Team. The D.A.R.T. team visits for 2 days and meets with community
stakeholders, spends time in the downtown and surrounding neighborhoods, and conducts focus groups with residents to unearth what community members have as a vision for an ideal

Once the vision is collected, Heritage Ohio combines what has been learned with its own independent research, then publishes a report back to the community.

A stakeholder group of nearly 25 community leaders was then formed. The group met monthly, and evolved into a steering committee that carried out the recommendations from the D.A.R.T. report.

Most important amongst the recommendations from the report is this – a focused organization must be established in order to achieve the vision for the downtown that the community has.
Hence, Main Street Barberton was born!

The steering committee’s last duty was to establish a board of directors.

From there, the board of directors established four committees with different roles and responsibilities. The board, which meets monthly beginning in January 2023, has adopted a Code of Regulations and is beginning to map out committee work plans for the next 12 to 24 months.

Additionally, Articles of Incorporation have been filed with the Ohio Secretary of State, and the Certificate of Approval has been granted by the state.

Main Street Barberton Board of Directors
Denny Liddle – Board President
Tim Eberhardt – Board Vice President
Ann Hutchison – Treasurer / Secretary
Jim Bauschlinger (committee chair, Economic Development)
Ted Herncane (committee chair, Design)
Deb Shreiner (committee co-chair, Organization and Promotion)
Josh Gordon (committee co-chair, Organization and Promotion)
Mayor Bill Judge
Jason Ondrus
Dorothy Somerville

Each committee chair is seeking interested community members to join their committee and work on projects from marketing and promoting downtown to cleaning up buildings and improving the spaces in the downtown area.

While the committees will be hard at work, the board also has plans to hire an executive director for Main Street Barberton, launching a talent search to fill the role later in 2023.

The organization’s primary funding for its first three years of operation will come from the Barberton Community Foundation and the City of Barberton.

“This Main Street program is another example of why we are so fortunate to have a passionate community here in Barberton,” Allen said. “Many communities need the type of focused work
that Main Street Barberton will be able to accomplish, but Barberton is able to make it happen thanks to the strength of its many organizations and how well they work together.”

Get Involved
If you are interested in learning more, or wish to serve on a committee, please contact the Barberton Community Foundation.

About Main Street Barberton
Main Street Barberton is a nonprofit organization in the City of Barberton focused on rehabilitating and revitalizing the downtown area through economic development and growth
activities. Established in 2022, the organization aims to provide the citizens of Barberton – and residents all over the state of Ohio – a unique and magical downtown experience.
